Upcoming features


We are curently working on some changes on how the user can modify the medications in the medication list and how they are displayed. For instance the user will be able to change the concentration of a drug and change how infusions are displayed. In the medication list Propofol has a concentration of 10 mg / mL and is displayed as mg / Kg / hour. This the user can change to 5 mg / mL and mCg / Kg / minute.

In addition we are working on exporting and importing the medication list. If someone has done a lot of changes to the list, it can be exported for backup or so that colleagues can import it.
There is also a possibility to get a list published on our servers so colleagues and other easily can import it and keep it up to date.

And of course, if there is any thing that you miss in our app, please contact us!

New version released

AneIV version 2.435 was released followed by the release of version and 2.436!

The reason for the quick update of AneIV was a bug related to how user doses was displayed and especially total dose.

  • Fixed Mannitol dosing in Emergency screen. Showed total amount in gram, not ml.
  • Enhanced the medication list with infusions. Faster creation and it is now possible to list medications alphabetically with infusions. See settings!
  • Changed how UserDoses are shown.
  • Removed bug regarding total dose given when userdoses are displayed.
  • Changed the Preference screen a little bit.
  • Usual bug fixes.

New version released

AneIV version 2.43 has been released!

  • Added option for userdoses to show total dose. This is best on large screens / pads! See settings
  • Added some medications to and changed Emergency screen a little bit
  • Tools now accessible from optional tab. Not activated by default. See settings!
  • Database changes!
  • Share-options fixed. Please share this app with your colleagues!
  • Feedback /request option. Send an e-mail with feedback or requests to TomyLabs! E-mail addresses will NOT be given to third party!
  • The usual bug fixes

Bug reported

A user has found a bug that we are trying to remove. The easiest way to reproduce this error is to press the Update Builtin! option in preferences twice within seconds. If the user press the download button once or download a specific list once within 30 seconds, this error will not be a problem (depending on available the internet speed on the phone).

We are working on this and a new bug fix release is coming up soon!

Until then, update the medication list just ONCE within 30 seconds.