This version is mainly a bugfix for those little rascals that didn’t get squashed in the prerelease check.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
The AneIV Team
Properbly the best anesthesia app for Android!
This version is mainly a bugfix for those little rascals that didn’t get squashed in the prerelease check.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
The AneIV Team
We’re proud to announce that a new version of AneIV has been released!
In the new version, version 2.1, all features are accessible to the users. The features include three tools and the option to download and upgarde the BuiltIn! medicationlist.
See features and changelog for all the details!
We’ve choosen to withdraw AneIV Full from Play. This is due to our new release of AneIV. In the next release, AneIV 2.1, all tools and features will be accessible without any purchase. On the other hand, users can upgrade to remove adds and, of course, suppport development.
As we’ve mentioned earlier, we’ve been unable to refund AneIV Full-purchases prior to june 2013. For this we are very sorry. Purchases done after juni 2013 are to our knowledge refunded.
There has also been reported a bug with AneIV Full 1.3. Hopefully we’ve squashed this in the upcoming release!
I’re proud to announce that a new version of AneIV has been released!
It is called AneIV NG, where NG stands for Next Generation.
This means that versions prior to 2.0 is discontinued and older versions will not be updated.
This is due to some technical difficulties.
For now, only AneIV Lite is released. The full version will be released soon. We’ve tried to reimburse all those who has bought the full version prior to 2.0, but limitations in Google Play limits us to repay customers who has bought AneIV after june 2013. For this we are very sorry!
We have been working on a huge upgrade of AneIV and AneIV Lite!
Due to harddrive crash and non existing backup sollutions, AneIV has to be republished! (Always backup and always keep your keystore-password stored multiple places!!!)
This means our users have to uninstall their old version of AneIV and reinstall the new one. The few users who have installed the full version, gets refunded! Please consider buying the new AneIV full version!
There has many been-under-the-hood changes aswell as changes to the userinterface. For a full list of feastures, see this page.
The usersinterface has been totally changed. AneIV uses AppCompat suppportlibrary to give users of android 2.1 and above the same experience and functionallity. For instance the user can now choose what tabs to view and for users of AneIV full version, a new tab is introduced; Tools.
We have added support for U.S units when supplying patientdata and we have added support for patient ages from premature to adult when it comes to calculating vital signs and what equipment to use.
The user can now somewhat modify the views of the Meds and Favorites tabs. In addition the user can specify what weight to use on what drug at what age.
We are currently working on an update of our application AneIV. Both versions, AneIV and AneIV Lite, will be redesigned and republished. This means versions prior the upcoming AneIV NG (AneIV 2.0), will not be updated.
Those of our users that have bought AneIV will be refunded and hopefully you’ll buy the new version!
Stay tuned for more information!
The AneIV team
AneIV is constantly in development. This means bugs are squashed when they emerge, new functions are added and the userinterface are modified some from version to version. BUT if AneIV lacks a function or tools that YOU mean could improve userexperience or that you feel you miss in your day-to-day worksituation, please CONTACT us with a request for future versions or leave a comment!
We’re happy to announce the a new version of AneIV has been released! We are now running version 1.31!!
See changelog for details!
New medications added! See full list here!
Version 1.3 have been released for a couple of days now! From our point of view everything is ok, but maybe some users have experienced som bugs or weird behaviour that should be adressed. Please give us feedback through this page or reach out to us on twitter!
I’ve forgot to update the about-page on the AneIV lite version. It still says version 1.221. But if favorites remebers the infusionrate you have supplied, you are running version 1.3! This will get fixed soon!