The bug that was reported earlier to day has been identified and squashed!
Please keep sending us crash reports if anything happends!
Properbly the best anesthesia app for Android!
The bug that was reported earlier to day has been identified and squashed!
Please keep sending us crash reports if anything happends!
This release enables the user to mark time and observed values in the Glasgow Coma Scale tool. These values are preserved, but can be reset by pressing the “New Patient”-button.
A new version with minor bug fixes has been released.
Main problem was the dialog window that asked to the user to update the BuiltIn! database popped to often. This is now fixed!
A new version of AneIV has been released!
In this version we introduce a new tool, Glasgow Coma Scale.
In addition we have done some changes to the Parkland burn formula and the usual bug fixes!
We’re working on an update that deals with some UI-changes as well as introducing a new tool – GCS or Glosgow Coma Scale tool.
With this tool you can assess the patient, feed your data into the tool and it will calculate GCS. It supports patient from the age of 0 – zero – years.
You should also expect the usual bugfixes.
According to the usual release schedule, AneIV 2.32 is released with the usual bugfixes.
AneIV 2.32 released with some bugfixes immediately followed by 2.31!
One major and some minor bugfixes done!
Yet another bugfix. Keep reporting and we’ll keep squashing the bugs…
The AneIV Team
AneIV 2.2 has been released. Yet another bugfix release!
If there are anything you miss in AneIV, please give us feedback and it might get implemented soon!
The AneIV team
Two new versions of AneIV has been released in a short period of time. These versions is mainly a bugfix version. Please keep reporting these bugs!
The AneIV Team